Monday, September 30, 2019

Alice Munro the Found Boat Essay

At the end of Bell Street, McKay Street, Mayo Street, there was the Flood. It was the Wawanash River, which every spring overflowed its banks. Some springs, say one in every five, it covered the roads on that side of town and washed over the fields, creating a shallow choppy take. Light reflected off the water made every- thing bright and cold, as it is in a lakeside town, and woke or revived in people certain vague hopes of disaster. Mostly during the late afternoon and early evening, there were people straggling out to took at it, and discuss whether it was still rising, and whether this time it might invade the town. In general, those under fifteen and over sixty-five were most certain that it would. Eva and Carol rode out on their bicycles. They left the road-it was the end of Mayo Street, past any houses- and rode right into a field, over a wire fence entirely flattened by the weight of the winter’s snow. They coasted a little way before the long grass stopped them, then left their bicycles lying down and went to the water. ‘We have to find a log and ride on it,† Eva said. ‘Jesus, we’ll freeze our legs off. ‘Jesus, we’ll freeze our legs off’ said one of the boys who were there too at the water’s edge. He spoke in a sour whine, the way boys imitated girls although it was nothing like the way girls talked. These boys-there were three of them- were all in the same class as Eva and Carol at school and were known to them by name (their names being Frank, Bud and Clayton), but Eva and Carol, who had seen and recognized them from the road, had not spoken to them or looked at them or, even yet, given any sign of knowing they were there. The boys seemed to be trying to make a raft, from lumber they had salvaged from the water. Eva and Carol took off their shoes and socks and waded in. The water was so cold it sent pain up their legs, like blue electric sparks shooting through their veins, but they went on, putting their skirts high, tight behind and bunched so they could hold them in front. ‘Look at the fat-assed ducks in wading. ‘ ‘Fat-assed f****. † Eva and Carol, of course, gave no sign of hearing this. They laid hold of a log and climbed on, taking a couple of boards floating in the water for addles. There were always things floating around in the Flood-branches, fence-rails, logs, road signs, old lumber; sometimes boilers, washtubs, pots and pans, or even a car seat or stuffed chair, as if somewhere the Flood had got into a dump. They paddled away from shore, heading out into the cold take. The water was perfectly clear, they could see the brown grass swimming along the bottom. Suppose it was the sea, thought Eva. She thought of drowned cities and countries. Atlantis. Suppose they were riding in a Viking boat-Viking boats on the Atlantic were more frail and narrow than this log on the Flood-and they had miles of clear sea beneath them, then a spired city, intact as a jewel irretrievable on the ocean floor. This is a Viking boat,† she said. ‘I am the carving on the front. † She stuck her chest out and stretched her neck, trying to make a curve, and she made a face, putting out her tongue. Then she turned and for the first time took notice of the boys. ‘Hey, you sucks! † she yelled at them. ‘You’d be scared to come out here, this water is ten feet deep! â€Å"Liar,’ they answered without interest, and she was. They steered the log around a row of trees, avoiding floating barbed wire, and got into a little bay created by a natural hollow of the land. Where the bay was now, there would be a pond full of frogs later in the spring, and by the middle of summer there would be no water visible at all, just a low tangle of reeds and bushes, green, to show that mud was still wet around their roots. Larger bushes, willows, grew around the steep bank of this pond and were still partly out of the water. Eva and Carol let the log ride in. They saw a place where something was caught. It was a boat, or part of one. An old rowboat with most of one side ripped out, the board that had been the seat just dangling. It was pushed up among the branches, lying on what would have been its side, if it had a side, the prow caught high. Their idea came to them without consultation, at the same time: ‘You guys! Hey, you guys! † ‘We found you a boat! † â€Å"Stop building your stupid raft and come and took at the boat! ‘ What surprised them in the first place was that the boys really did come, scrambling overland, half running, half sliding down the bank, wanting to see. ‘Hey, where? ‘ ‘Where is it, I don’t see no boat. â€Å" What surprised them in the second place was that when the boys did actually see what boat was meant, this old flood-smashed wreck held up in the branches, they did not understand that they had been footed, that a joke had been played on them. They did not show a moment’s disappointment, but seemed as pleased at the discovery as if the boat had been whole and new. They were already barefoot, because they had been wading in the water to get lumber, and they waded in here without a stop, surrounding the boat and appraising it and paying no attention even of an insulting kind to Eva and Carol who bobbed up and down on their log. Eva and Carol had to call to them. ‘How do you think you’re going to get it off.? ‘ â€Å"It won’t float anyway. ‘ ‘What makes you think it will float? ‘ ‘It’ll sink. Glub-blub-blub, you’ll all be drownded. † The boys did not answer, because they were too busy walking around the boat, pulling at it in a testing way to see how it could be got off with the least possible damage. Frank, who was the most literate, talkative and inept of the three, began referring to the boat as she, an affectation which Eva and Carol acknowledged with fish-mouths of contempt. ‘She’s caught two places. You got to be careful not to tear a hole in her bottom. She’s heavier than you’d think. ‘ It was Clayton who climbed up and freed the boat, and Bud, a tall fat boy, who got the weight of it on his back to turn it into the water so that they could half float, half carry it to shore. All this took some time. Eva and Carol abandoned their log and waded out of the water. They walked overland to get their shoes and socks and bicycles. They did not need to come back this way but they came. They stood at the top of the hill, leaning on their bicycles. They did not go on home, but they did not sit down and frankly watch, either. They stood more or less facing each other, but glancing down at the water and at the boys struggling with the boat, as if they had just halted for a moment out of curiosity, and staying longer than they intended, to see what came of this unpromising project. About nine o’clock, or when it was nearly dark-dark to people inside the houses, but not quite dark outside-they all returned to town, going along Mayo Street in a sort of procession. Frank and Bud and Clayton came carrying the boat, upside-down, and Eva and Carol walked behind, wheeling their bicycles. The boys’ heads were almost hidden in the darkness of the overturned boat, with its smell of soaked wood, cold swampy water. The girls could took ahead and see the street lights in their tin reflectors, a necklace of lights climbing Mayo Street, reaching all the way up to the standpipe. They turned onto Burns Street heading for Clayton’s house, the nearest house belonging to any of them. nis was not the way home for Eva or for Carol either, but they followed along. The boys were perhaps too busy carrying the boat to tell them to go away. Some younger children were still out playing, playing hopscotch on the sidewalk though they could hardly see. At this time of year the bare sidewalk was still such a novelty and delight. These children cleared out of the way and watched the boat 90 by with unwilling respect; they shouted questions after it, wanting to know where it came from and what was going to be done with it. No one answered them. Eva and Carol as well as the boys refused to answer or even took at them. The five of them entered Clayton’s yard. ‘Me boys shifted weight, as if they were going to put the boat down. You better take it round to the back where nobody can see it,’ Carol said. That was the first thing any of them had said since they came into town. The boys said nothing but went on, following a mud path between Clayton’s house and a leaning board fence. They let the boat down in the back yard. â€Å"It’s a stolen boat, you know,† said Eva, mainly for the effect. ‘It must’ve belonged to somebody. You stole it. † ‘You was the ones who stole it then,† Bud said, short of breath. ‘It was you seen it first. † -It was you took it. † ‘It was all of us then. If one of us gets in trouble then all of us does. ‘Are you going to tell anybody on them? † said Carol as she and Eva rode home, along the streets which were dark between the lights now and potholed from winter. â€Å"It’s up to you. I won’t if you won’t. † â€Å"I won’t if you won’t† They rode in silence, relinquishing something, but not discontented. The board fence in Clayton’s back yard had every so often a post which sup, ported it, or tried to, and it was on these posts that Eva and Carol spent several evenings sitting, jauntily but not very comfortably. Or else they just leaned against the fence while the boys worked on the boat. During the first couple of evenings neighborhood children attracted by the sound of hammering tried to get into the yard to see what was going on, but Eva and Carol blocked their way. â€Å"Who said you could come in here? † ‘Just us can come in this yard. † These evenings were getting longer, the air milder. Skipping was starting on the sidewalks. Further along the street there was a row of hard maples that had been tapped. Children drank the sap as fast as it could drip into the buckets. The old man and woman who owned the trees, and who hoped to make syrup, came running out of the house making noises as if they were trying to scare away crows. Finally, every spring, the old man would come out on his porch and fire his shot- gun into the air, and then the thieving would stop. None of those working on the boat bothered about stealing sap, though all had done so last year. The lumber to repair the boat was picked up here and there, along back lanes. At this time of year things were lying around-old boards and branches, sodden mitts, spoons Hung out with the dishwater, lids of pudding pots that had been set in the snow to cool, all the debris that can sift through and survive winter. The tools came from Clayton’s cellar-left over, presumably, from the time when his father was alive- and though they had nobody to advise them the boys seemed to figure out more or less the manner in which boats are built, or rebuilt. Frank was the one who showed up with diagrams from books and Popular Mechanics magazines. Clayton looked at these diagrams and listened to Frank read the instructions and then went ahead and decided in his own way what was to be done. Bud was best at sawing. Eva and Carol watched everything from the fence and offered criticism and thought up names. Me names for the boat that they thought of were: Water Lily, Sea Horse, Flood Queen, and Caro-Eve, after them because they had found it. The boys did not say which, if any, of these names they found satisfactory. The boat had to be tarred. Clayton heated up a pot of tar on the kitchen stove and brought it out and painted slowly, his thorough way, sitting astride the overturned boat. The other boys were sawing a board to make a new seat. As Clayton worked, the tar cooled and thickened so that finally he could not move the brush any more. He turned to Eva and held out the pot and said, ‘You ran go in and heat this on the stove. ‘ Eva took the pot and went up the back steps. The kitchen seemed black after outside, but it must be light enough to see in, because there was Clayton’s mother standing at the ironing board, ironing. She did that for a living, took in wash and ironing. ‘Please may I put the tar pot on the stove? † said Eva, who had been brought up to talk politely to parents, even wash-and-iron ladies, and who for some reason especially wanted to make a good impression on Clayton’s mother. You’ll have to poke up the fire then,’ said Clayton’s mother, as if she doubted whether Eva would know how to do that. But Eva could see now, and she picked up the lid with the stove-lifter, and took the poker and poked up a flame. She stirred the tar as it softened. She felt privileged. Then and later. Before she went to sleep a picture of Clayton came to her mind; she saw him sitting astride the boat, tar painting, with such concentration, delicacy, absorption. She thought of him speaking to her, out of his isolation, in such an ordinary peaceful taking-for- granted voice. On the twenty-fourth of May, a school holiday in the middle of the week, the boat was carried out of town, a long way now, off the road over fields and fences that had been repaired, to where the river flowed between its normal banks. Eva and Carol, as well as the boys, took turns carrying it. It was launched in the water from a cow-trampled spot between willow bushes that were fresh out in leaf. The boys went first. They yelled with triumph when the boat did float, when it rode amazingly down the river current. The boat was painted black, and green inside, with yellow seats, and a strip of yellow all the way around the outside. There was no name on it, after all. The boys could not imagine that it needed any name to keep it separate from the other boats in the world. Eva and Carol ran along the bank, carrying bags full of peanut butter-and- jam sandwiches, pickles, bananas, chocolate cake, potato chips, graham crackers stuck together with corn syrup and five bottles of pop to be cooled in the river water. The bottles bumped against their legs. They yelled for a turn. ‘If they don’t let us they’re bastards,† Carol said, and they yelled together, ‘We found it! We found it! The boys did not answer, but after a while they brought the boat in, and Carol and Eva came crashing, panting down the bank. ‘Does it leak? ‘ ‘It don’t leak yet. † ‘We forgot a bailing can,’ waited Carol, but nevertheless she got in, with Eva, and Frank pushed them off, crying, ‘Here’s to a Watery Grave! ‘ And the thing about being in a boat was that it was not solidly bobbing, like a log, but was cupped in the water, so that riding in it was not like being on some- thing in the water, but like being in the water itself. Soon they were ll going out in the boat in mixed-up turns, two boys and a girt, two girls and a boy, a girl and a boy, until things were so confused it was impossible to tell whose turn came next, and nobody cared anyway. They went down the river -those who weren’t riding, running along the bank to keep up. They passed under two bridges, one iron, one cement. Once they saw a big carp just resting, it seemed to smile at them, in the bridge-shaded water. They did not know how far they had gone on the river, but things had changed- the water had got shallower, and the land flatter. Across an open field they saw a building that looked like a house, abandoned. They dragged the boat up on the bank and tied it and set out across the field. ‘That’s the old station,’ Frank said. ‘That’s Pedder Station. ‘ The others had heard this name but he was the one who knew, because his father was the station agent in town. He said that this was a station on a branch line that had been tom up, and that there had been a sawmill here, but a long time ago. Inside the station it was dark, cool. All the windows were broken. Glass lay in shards and in fairly big pieces on the door. They walked around finding the larger pieces of glass and tramping on them, smashing them, it was like cracking ice on puddles. Some partitions were still in place, you could see where the ticket window had been. There was a bench lying on its side. People had been here, it looked as if people came here all the time, though it was so far from anywhere. Beer bottles and pop bottles were lying around, also cigarette packages, gum and candy wrappers, the paper from a loaf of bread. The walls were covered with dim and fresh pencil and chalk writings and carved with knives.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Effects of Urbanization in Jamaica

Urbanization refers to the shift of population from rural areas to cities or towns according to the Encarta Encyclopaedia. In Jamaica today, urbanization is a constant process for persons to move from one area to the next without hesitation compared to the previous generations. Urbanization has seen a significant increase over the years because of persons pursuing a better standard of living. People move because of the economic situation of the country which results in the need to find better jobs, the environmental effects and last but not least crime and violence. I think that urbanization is necessary for the improvement of one’s life. According to G. Nicolas, the financial crisis of the country plays a vital rule in urbanization, with higher demands for goods and services manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers tend to increase the cost of goods and services trying to make a profit for their business. Persons who are working sometimes tend to have a hard time of finding the money to acquire these high pricing goods and services to satisfy their needs. In spite of the high pricing of goods and services; with an increase in the population, getting a job becomes much harder especially if a person has no qualifications and applies for a job, then a more qualified person applies for the same job, the qualified persons is more than likely to get hired over the unqualified persons. In most cases rapid population growth in urban areas gives rise to poverty in such a way that when overpopulation occurs, jobs might be limited in that area and increasing social problems associated with unemployment and underemployment. According to the Encarta Encyclopaedia, urbanization also contributes to environmental issues in various ways as it relates to overpopulation. It may lead to pollution such as noise pollution in such a way that when potential health effects of noise pollution are numerous, pervasive, persistent, and medically and socially significant. Noise produces direct and cumulative adverse effects that impair health and that degrade residential, social, working, and learning environments with corresponding real and intangible losses. Air and water pollution are other environmental effects of urbanization and the most important reasons for population explosion in the cities of developing countries like Jamaica is rapid urbanization. Urbanization in Jamaica is accompanied by a number of challenges arising from population concentration in metropolitan cities; environmental degradation is occurring very rapidly and causing shortage of basic needs. The worsening water quality, air pollution and problems of disposal solid wastes and hazardous materials that is harmful to them. Health issues can arise from urbanization and cause a wide-spread epidemic of illnesses. These illnesses can be transmitted in crowded areas where airborne, respiratory and hand to hand transmission of illnesses can occur. The source, G. Nicolas, stated that deforestation is an effect of urbanization where it is a contributor to global climate change and is often cited as one of the major causes of the enhanced greenhouse effect. Urbanization allows clearance of naturally occurring forests by the processes of logging and or burning of trees in a forested area to make space available to build new houses or apartment building. Deforestation also leads to soil erosion; it decreases permeable surfaces in the soil faster forming of surface runoff, more frequent appearance of flood waves. Urbanization influences on development of erosion processes, land degradation with significant reduction of soil water capacity. In Jamaica, crime and violence also contributes to urbanization in an emerging area of concern in the increase levels of crime and violence in urban areas. Important gender differentiation exists in terms of violent response to unemployment. While men turn to crime and violence, women more frequently turn to dependency on men. It is not too hard to believe that Kingston’s reputation as a place of violence ranks third in the world. Gang violence and shootings occur regularly in inner-city areas of Kingston. Some inner-city neighbourhoods are occasionally subjected to curfews and police searches. Impromptu street protests sometimes occur, during which demonstrators often construct roadblocks or otherwise block the streets. Unemployed persons may turn to crime because they failed to acquire or keep a steady job and decide to turn to the act of stealing from the hard working and law abiding citizens in their community to earn a living for themselves. The frequent outbreak of violence between persons or rival gangs in a community may cause persons to feel unsecured and afraid of what might happen to them. This may cause families in the community to migrate to a violence free area where they might feel safer. Although urbanization has many negative and positive effects, I think that it is in the countries best interest to try and improve the negative influences that are associated with urbanization to improve the living condition of urbanized areas.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Assess the Significance of Developments in Policing Essay

There were many significant developments in policing which aided the effectiveness of law enforcement in Britain from the period of 1830 to 1965. Reasons as to why developments were necessary in this period; firstly between the years 1829 – 1850 there was a steady increase in crime[1]. Secondly as time progressed criminals came up with ways to beat the policing system, therefore it was necessary for policing in Britain to develop, in order to keep on top of crime. Development factors such as; the establishment of the Metropolitan Police Force, passing of key legislation were key developments in policing which influenced law and order. Other developments such as the reformation of prisons and developments in technology, coupled with roles of individuals such as; Elizabeth Fry and high profile cases like that of Oscar Wilde, also contributed to the effectiveness of law enforcement in the 19th and 20th century. The first significant development in British policing, which notably advocated effective law enforcement was the establishment of the Metropolitan Police Force in 1830. This was a significantly fundamental advancement in law enforcement as it was the first time in British history that an organised policing force was introduced and it updated the predated system of watchmen and bow street runners. However, the force was met with varying attitudes from the public, much of which was sensationalised by the media[2]. Other major Acts were implemented to support the Metropolitan police, especially forces outside of London, for example; the Municipal Corporations Act 1835. This was a significant development as it nationalised the police force therefore allowing effective law enforcement to take place throughout the country, unlike before where it was restricted to London[3]. However the effectiveness of these developments can be questioned, as police officers were often criticised for being drunks and bullies[4], therefore they were mistrusted by the general public. There were further attempts to nationalise the police force, such as the Rural Constabulary Act 1839. This was a significant development in law  enforcement as the legislation focused nationalising policing in rural areas. On the other hand, the enforcement of the Act was optional[5] thus limiting its effectiveness, as many boroughs were apprehensive of its creation. Nevertheless further legislation was pioneered in the form of the County and Borough Police Act of 1856, which saw every county having to acquire a professional police force[6]. The government encouraged the development and gave incentives such as; paying for clothing and wage to efficient police forces[7]. Officers therefore, would have felt a sense of duty to their jobs accurately as they had respectable positions. Additional legislation allowed the policing forces of Britain to develop into further branches, such as the establishment of the C.I.D in 1877 which investigated homicides. This development was pivotal as it loosened pressure on the Metropolitan police force and allowed a select force to focus on a case. However, the birth of the C.I.D incurred with the Turf Fraud Scandal, thus leaving the public suspicious and distrustful of the establishment. The C.I.D’s first major test came in the form of the Jack the Ripper Case in 1888[8], which instilled fear throughout the nation. Conversely the case was significant in another light, as police performance was repeatedly criticised for its incapability and slow work. Other cases such as The Arrest of Scotland Yard[9], did not help the detective forces as they were again shown as an inefficient and corruptive detectives. The development of the C.I.D also brought about the development of the Special Irish Branch in 1884, both which showed their significance as they foiled the assassination attempt of Queen Victoria at her Golden Jubilee in 1887[10]. This was a significant case as it showed the public that both, the C.I.D and the Special Branch were effective developments of law and order as cooperative work between forces ensured the protection of the Queen and thus the nation. It is apparent that other factors contributed in influencing effective law and order and not only developments in policing, for instance the reformation of prisons. Prisons in the 18th century have been criticised for their poor sanitation, poor food and living conditions. It was remarked that felons in Britain lived â€Å"worse than dogs or swine†[11]. Humanitarian Elizabeth Fry campaigned for the separation of women and children from male  prisoners, especially after she witnessed the appalling conditions in prisons[12]. Her work was promoted throughout the House of Commons and with the support of Sir Robert Peel; they introduced a series of prison reform including the Gaols Act 1823. This showed the strong public opinion on issues regarding law and order, especially as intervention of influential individuals was evident. By 1840 the government had recognised that prisons needed to be modernised, such as the Pentonville prison in 1842. Developments such as these meant that wardens could control prisons better and new regimes could be exercised, such as the separate system, where inmates were kept in solitary confinement from the beginning of their sentence. This development aided effective law and order as there were reported cases of reformed criminals, however the system sent many insane or led them to suicide, questioning the regime and the governments handling on the treatment of criminals. Furthermore, prisons had been nationalised in 1877[13], this coupled with the harsh regimes led to a steady fall in crime[14], proving the effectiveness of this development on law and order. Further legislation such as the Prison Act 1898, reasserted the idea of reformation as the main role in prison regimes. This led to a dilution of the separate system, the abolition of hard labour, and established the idea t hat prison labour should be productive. The argument of the reformation of prisons brought attention to young offenders. Transportation itself had ended in 1852, as reformists viewed it as a lenient punishment, however under the Reformation School Acts (1854); courts were allowed to send children for transportation[15] setting double standards within society, whilst historians argue that there were little, if any boundaries between children and adults[16]. The Children’s Act of 1908, established juvenile courts[17] and also banned prison sentences to those less than 14 years of age. This was significant in influencing effective law enforcement, as children were seen with sympathy and compassion. The legislation also showed that boundaries were being set for adults and children. During this period there was a general feeling that children were committing crime due to inadequate discipline and education at home, thus the Borstal System was introduced[18]. The main elements in the borstal programs included; education, regular work, vocational training, and group  counselling, however the Borstal System proved to be ineffective as 75% of inmates still re-offended[19] . Further developments came into fruition in the form of technology, which greatly influenced effective law and order. It has been argued that were being increasingly caught[20], for instance, advancements through the development of finger printing in 1901[21]. The development aimed to prevent criminals from concealing previous convictions. This development contributed to effective law and order as a database of criminals was created which the police could use as a reference for repeat offenders. Other tools which helped the police force included Radio telegraphy and the use of the 999 system in 1910. These developments influenced effective law and order as the police was able to communicate better with not only one another, but also with those in need of help. However the effect of the modernisation of the police force meant that there was increasing reliance on electronical and technological methods, thus alienating the average police man from his community[22]. It can be argued that the use of media had also affected the influence the effectiveness of law and order as public opinion had been influenced through the use of various Medias. The Oscar Wilde Case of 1895[23], exemplified how societies stereotypical immoralities i.e. homosexuality, could be used against someone in a court of law and order and convict them as a criminal. Other cases, for instance the Derek Bentley Case of 1952[24], showed further miscarriage of justice, as the wrong person was hung. This case was significant in influencing law and order as the media attention helped increase societies widespread doubt in the justice system. An added incentive that motivated the public’s change of attitude towards capital punishment and the miscarriage of justice was the Ruth Ellis Case of 1955[25]. It was evident from this case, that Ellis was did not receive the correct legal representation in court and the case was not thoroughly investigated. It was found out after the trial; Ellis was a victim of domestic violence, which could have been the cause for her crime of passion. These high profile cases strengthened the public’s resolve on the issue of the barbarity of capital punishment and the ever present fact that there was  no reprieve for those who were convicted and hung. This led to the profoundly significant changes in legislation which influenced effective law and order; the Murder (Abolition of Death Penalty) Act of 1965[26]. This was paramount in policing legislation as the death penalty was abolished. The abolition was a significant change in the 20th century as capital punishment was seen with much aversion both from the public and judges alike, who were especially reluctant to hand out death penalties. In conclusion developments within policing which significantly influenced effective law and order in the period 1830-1965 were vast and all had varying impact on society. Legislation such as the Municipal Corporations Act of 1835 and the Rural Constabulary Act of 1839, ensured society was protected by an organised, efficient national police force. However officers were distrusted by the general public, therefore they had many hurdles to face before having a significant impact on society. However one cannot base the effectiveness of law and order within this period solely on developments in policing, as there were other contributory factors. For example; reformation of prisons through work of individuals such as Elizabeth Fry, the establishment of the C.I.D, technological developments such as finger printing and DNA sampling and high profile cases like that of Oscar Wilde. These developments greatly advanced effective law and order, as one can base the suggestion of decreasing crime rate during 1830-1965[27] on these as well as the developments in policing. Bibliography Books Trend of Crime 1750 – 1900 – Ian Dawson Crime and Punishment: A Study Across Time – Roger Whiting 1968 D.Taylor. ‘Crime, Policing, Punishment in England 1750-1914’ The Victorian Underworld, Donald Thomas 1998 Police and Prisons – P. F. Speed 1970 Crime and Punishment through time, John Murray History of Police in England and Wales – T. Crithchley 1978 Websites

Friday, September 27, 2019

Dream Surrealist vs. Automatist Surrealist Essay

Dream Surrealist vs. Automatist Surrealist - Essay Example The essay "Dream Surrealist vs. Automatist Surrealist" discusses Automatist Surrealist and Dream Surrealist. From this era, artists and intellectuals both would increasingly use modern methods to explore the psyche and express its contents, seeking new forms and modalities of expression to accomplish the goal. Where dada sought to embrace the irrational and elevate it to a de facto cosmic principle, this is also recognition of the final deterioration of medieval systems of thought and the birth of the modern individual in Europe and internationally. As the avante garde artists of this movement, Andrà © Masson and Salvador Dali represent two aspects of early Surrealism, differentiated by their methodology of inquiry into the content of the mind and its expression into two factions, the dream surrealists and the automatist surrealists. Masson’s â€Å"Automatic Drawing† of 1924 is paradigmatic of the automatist school which used artistic methods based in illogic and chanc e to override the conscious aspects of both mind and artistic expression to search for self-discovery and universalism in the imagery of the subconscious and unconscious states of mind. To do so they often practiced automatic drawing in order to conjure these images out of the deeper states of consciousness by overriding the processes of the ego and the senses. In this manner, the surrealists based their art on an early form of Western depth psychology. The dream surrealists shared Freud’s infatuation with the symbolism of dreams and dream interpretation. and sought to express the imagery of dreams in their artwork. Yet, unlike the automatists, the dream surrealists did not seek to overcome the traditional use of the ego in painting, but rather to use the ego to express the language of dreams, a subtle difference that can be seen through comparing Masson’s work to one of Salvador Dali’s first dream surrealist paintings, â€Å"Inaugural Goose Flesh† (1928) . In 1924, Salvador Dali’s artwork was still very much exhibiting the influences of Cubism and of the Greek-Italian surrealist Giorgio de Chirico. Dali’s â€Å"Still Life† (1924) and â€Å"Port Alguer† (1924) both show the influence of Picasso and early Cubism, as well as Dali’s early experimentation with different styles such as Impressionism, reflected in the waters of the sea in contrast to the cubist architecture. (ArtMight, 2011) Yet, in â€Å"Still Life† (1924), the â€Å"metaphysical plane† introduced by de Chirico is beginning to be shown in his painting, fully evident four years later when Dali paints, â€Å"Inaugural Goose Flesh† (1928). This â€Å"metaphysical plane† is different than the traditional perspective of portrait, still life, or natural painting. What it does is replace the horizon and relation between earth and sky which dominates representational painting with an infinite horizon upon which anythi ng can arise, representing the plane of mind and the world of dreams. In de Chirico’s early work, the viewer has the unspoken understanding through the use of light on an artificial, imaginary, and infinite horizon, that the events or scene depicted is a dream image. Salvador Dali would become recognized by developing this aspect of the imaginary or metaphysical plane into his artwork over a long career, but it is in â€Å"

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Christian Perspectives on Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicides Research Paper

Christian Perspectives on Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicides - Research Paper Example Since then, the ethics of the practice has evolved, and so have the reasons for proscription. Nowadays, the proscription is based more upon practical concerns then scriptural ones – concerns such as the introduction of a slippery slope; the possibility that the person might be cured and miss his or her chance for this cure; and the need to create a culture of life that values everybody in society, even the infirm and terminally ill. Still, the belief remains that God has sovereignty over life and death, and man cannot usurp this. St. Thomas Aquinas was one of the first religious figures to advocate this, and the traditional Christian proscription for the practice has been based upon this ever since. Although some individual Christians may take issue with the official church teachings on the subject, for a variety of reasons, in the end the practice should be banned because of the practical concerns listed above. Discussion According to Fontana (2002), there have been a variety of traditions throughout the ages concerning the ethics of euthanasia. For instance, in Ancient Greece, Hemlock, a common poison, was made available for individuals who desired a â€Å"good death,† after an appeal to a tribunal. In fact, ending one’s life was a festive occasion for the elderly and the infirm, as they drank ceremonial poison at a banquet that honored their lives. It was similar in ancient Rome (Fontana, 2002, p. 147). Of course, these practices were prior to Christianity, and the advent of Christianity caused these euthanasia practices to be outlawed (Fontana, 2002, p. 147). In particular, St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine declared such practice a great sin. However, an increase in secularism during the Renaissance period and Enlightenment in the 18th Century caused a resurgence of Greco-Roman beliefs regarding the practice, and this greater tolerance continued into the 19th Century when social philosophers advocated for the practice. However, even though there was great tolerance for the practice, it was not entirely accepted as it was in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, because the church still had some sway, and, as the church believed the practice to be sinful, this had some impact on society and the laws regarding euthanasia even during the Renaissance and Enlightenment (Fontana, 2002, p. 147). Euthanasia may be either involuntary or voluntary. Involuntary euthanasia occurs when there is brain death or the person is otherwise incapacitated. In that case, especially if there is some kind of directive from the person, in that he or she signed a living will or a â€Å"Do Not Resuscitate† order, then that person will be allowed to die. Voluntary euthanasia, however, is more active and involved, therefore more controversial. Voluntary euthanasia is when an individual who is of clear mind chooses to end his or her life with assistance (Nayernouri, 2011, p. 54). Nayernouri (2011) further delineates the practice of euthana sia from suicide. As she explains, suicide is an act that one takes by oneself, without assistance, and this is not as controversial as euthanasia as the act of suicide is presumably one’s right, although the world’s religions, including Christianity, Islam and Judaism view this act to be one of great sin (Nayernouri, 2011, p. 54). The secular rationale against euthanasia are that the patient may be treated therapeutically for depression or pain, which are the major reasons why individuals choose euthanasia. It is for this reason that the American Medical Association (AMA) has come out against the practice. The AMA’s stance on euthanasia is inconsistent with its other stances which conflict with the traditional pro-life views regarding abortion and

Strategic Business Plan for the Indonesian Music Shop Assignment

Strategic Business Plan for the Indonesian Music Shop - Assignment Example The Indonesian recording industry has been so affected by the activities of piracy that the companies involved into the business of music and entertainment needed to take a major step in order to protect their business revenue and the business operations in Indonesia. Due to excessive piracy of music, the Indonesian Recording Company Association decided to change their mode of storing the recording materials from CDs and other types of storage devices to the digital storage of the recording materials into digital files. Piracy resulted into fall in the sale of CDs, VCDs, and other recording materials. The concern for the loss of music industry due to piracy remained obvious because of the fact that the music industry of Indonesia contributed about 18% to the total revenue generated by the Indonesian government (Anonymous, 2009). The company named Indonesian Music Shop is an online music providing company which has a vast collection of music including the classical and artistic albums of Indonesian origin. The company also has a collection of tracks of commercial numbers which are more liked by the youth of Indonesia. The company gives more importance to the cultural and traditional music of the nation which is very much evident from their website where apart from the music categories proper literature have also been provided by the company. Since the company does not have any shop floor it operates its business through internet and web communication mediums. Regarding the products and services offered by the company on its website, it provides a portal to its customers for placing their orders and specifications after getting registered with the website. The website also provides additional information on health issues, and food and spices, and offers spaces for advertisement to other companies (The Indonesi an Music Shop-website, n.d.).

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Final_ProjectWK5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Final_ProjectWK5 - Essay Example In the promotion of such brands it is highly essential to have customers or consumers which are greatly influential in their social circle. This is for the reason that the promotion of a brand that takes place through the word of mouth or by sharing experiences from the current user or customer is more reliable and trustworthy than any other source. In addition, hosting parties at some client’s place and then targeting some new prospects will also lend a hand to the emerging company to gather new customers. For this important purpose, the company can ask out their clients to throw a party that would be arranged and sponsored by the company itself and invite their friends which fall under the target market. One of the representatives from the firm can become the part this party and introduced this brand to them. Hence it would be really impressive as people would be able to directly deal with the company’s representative and satisfy their queries. As the Tailgetters are mainly focusing on promoting their products and services through hosting different theme parties, therefore the channel management in this case is very simple. This is for the reason that they are selling their brand directly to their customer with the involvement of any marketing intermediaries like distributor, wholesaler, retailer etc. But on the other hand, for this reason the company needs to have a very strong and well trained and developed selling department. Sales people must be effective and efficient enough to persuade and influence the prospects to buy their products. At an introductory stage of Tailgetters it would be a smarter move if they prefer to keep their channel as short as possible and direct marketing would be highly effective. That means that the channel must only comprise of two parties that is the company and the consumer. However, a longer channel will only be good if the company intends to expand the business outside their

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Product development Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Product development - Assignment Example development of new products has increased a lot and also the products are developed at a good speed with high performance and also to get cost advantage. This process has become more stringent and also the companies have looked to focus a lot on this side. The companies need to have a good co-ordination, need to improve well and also reconfigure the whole capabilities of the company. Though for the company it is very important that all the departments do perform well and in efficient way. The suppliers do also affect a lot in the way the company introduces a new product in the market. The Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) are one of the major players who decide and give the idea about the new product that can be developed by the company for attracting more number of customers. For any particular company which does produces goods the suppliers and the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) do play a vital role. The company does depend a lot on its 1st tier and 2nd tier suppliers for the materials so that they can look forward towards developing a new concept and a new product. There are basically 7 steps involved in the new product development process (Barclay, Dann and Holroyd, 2010, pp. 34-37). The steps are been shown in the diagrammatic form in the below diagram. In this process the strategy is been developed which is related to the development of the new product in the company which should be in line with the objectives that are been followed by the company and also must help the company to achieve its goals. In this step the return on investment with regard to the new product that is going to be developed is been determined and estimated which gives a clear indication of how the new product can be beneficial for the company. In this step the new product is been commercialized and launched in the market for the customers to get more market share and also to get competitive advantage over the competitors (Fuller, 2011, pp. 45-49). The involvement

Monday, September 23, 2019

Learning Letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Learning Letter - Essay Example I also believe that personal development is the key to improve self-knowledge, identity, talents as well as enhancing the quality of life. Without personal development realizing one’s dreams and aspirations are not possible. I continually thrive to achieve personal development through inspirations and small things in life. Accepting the things we cannot change and appreciating the things that we are have are critical for personal growth in my experience. I also believe that one has to do the things that he/she love in order to succeed in anything. Without the passion for doing things, it cannot be a success. I always try my best to believe in myself and to give my all when I am engaged to a particular work. I believe that I have grown so much through this class, both personally and academically. It was not an easy process for me, but I managed to stay my course through my hard work and dedication to my course.    I took IB English during high school, and I thought things would be so much easier in university. However, I was wrong. Other than the heavy workload, English is my third language after Indonesian and Chinese. Often times I used to feel like I will get the lowest grade in this class, as most of the students here are primarily English speaker. This thought often makes me feel like I am not capable of doing it, but then my desire to succeed drives me to work even harder. Looking at the syllabus given, I knew from the start that out of the four pillars of the course objectives, â€Å"Process† would be the most difficult part for me as I am not a big fan of writing margin notes for people. Writing margin notes is basically correcting grammar, sentence structure, and flow of sentences. At first, it took me hours to write margin notes for my first peer review draft.  Ã‚  However, after a few workshop sessions and practice I finally got the gist of it. After some practice it becam e easier for me to see what was missing and what

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Essay Example for Free

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Essay Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam graduated in aeronautical engineering from the Madras Institute of Technology in 1958 and joined the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO). In 1962, Kalam joined the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). In 1982, he rejoined DRDO as the Chief Executive of Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP). Dr. Kalam is credited with the development and operationalization of Indias Agni and Prithvi missiles. He worked as the Scientific Adviser to the Defence Minister and Secretary, Department of Defence Research Development from 1992 to 1999. During this period, the Pokhran-II nuclear tests were conducted. Dr. Kalam held the office of the Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India from November 1999 to November 2001. Dr. Kalam took up teaching at Anna University, Chennai from November 2001. He is a prolific author. His books, Wings of Fire, India 2020 A Vision for the New Millennium, My journey and Ignited Minds Unleashing the power within India have become bestsellers. He is a favourite with children all over the country and has met children all over the country and has encouraged them with his learned talks. Dr. Abdul Kalam was conferred with the Degree of Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa by the Simon Fraser University, Canada. He also wrote a book named â€Å"Turning Points: A journey through challenges† which was published by Harper Collins India. The book tells us about his story with details from his career and presidency that are not generally known. He speaks on certain points of controversy offering insight into an extraordinary personality and shows a vision of how a country with a great heritage can turn out to be great with perseverance, confidence and effort. Dr. Kalam has received a host of awards both in India and abroad. He was awarded the Padma Bhushan in 1981, Padma Vibhushan 1990 and the Bharat Ratna in 1997. He is of the view that we should work wholeheartedly to make India a developed nation by 2020. Besides being a bachelor, Kalam is a strict disciplinarian, a complete vegetarian and teetotaler. Among the many firsts to his credit, he became Indias first President to undertake an undersea journey when he boarded the INS Sindhurakshak, a submarine, from Visakhapatnam. He also became the first president to undertake a sortie in a fighter aircraft, a Sukhoi-30 MKI.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Examining The Importance Of System Investigation Information Technology Essay

Examining The Importance Of System Investigation Information Technology Essay Fact-finding is an important activity in system investigation. In this stage, the functioning of the system is to be understood by the system analyst to design the proposed system. Various methods are used for this and these are known as fact-finding techniques. The analyst needs to fully understand the current system. The analyst needs data about the requirements and demands of the project undertaken and the techniques employed to gather this data are known as fact-finding techniques. Tools, such as data and process models, document facts, and conclusions are drawn from facts. If facts are not collected, tools can ¿Ã‚ ½t be used effectively and efficiently. After gathering needed information of the system the analyst should record them in a proper way which is known as fact-recoding methods. What are the facts to be collected Any information System can be examined in terms of four building blocks:  ¿Ã‚ ½ Data: The raw material used to create useful info.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Processes: The activities that carry out the mission.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Interfaces: How the system interacts with people.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Geography: Where data is stored, processes interfaces happen. Fact-finding skills must be learned and practiced. Systems analysts need an organized method of collecting facts. They especially need to develop a detective mentality to be able to discern relevant facts. When do perform fact-finding  ¿Ã‚ ½ System Analysis Phase. ? Study Phase. ? Definition Phase. ? Selection Phase.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Design.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Post Implementation Review. Fact-finding techniques Various kinds of techniques are used and the most popular among them are, 1. Interviews. 2. On-Site Observation. 3. Investigation. 4. Questionnaire. 1. Interviews Interview is a very important data gathering technique. Analysts can use interviews to collect information about the current system form the potential users. Here the analysts discover the areas of misunderstanding, unrealistic exception and descriptions of activities and problems along with resistance to the new proposed system. Goal of interview  ¿Ã‚ ½ Find facts, verify facts, and clarify facts.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Generate enthusiasm.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Get end user involved.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Identify requirements. Steps involved  ¿Ã‚ ½ Set the stage for the interview.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Establish rapport; put the interviewee at ease.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Phrase questions clearly and succinctly.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Be a good listener; avoid arguments.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Evaluate the outcome of the interview. The interviews are of two types namely, Structured Interview Structured interviews are those where the interviewee is asked a standard set of questions in a particular order. All interviewees are asked the same set of questions. The questions are further divided in two kinds of formats for conducting this type of interview.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Open-response format e.g. Why are you dissatisfied with the current scheduling method?  ¿Ã‚ ½ Closed-response format e.g.. Are you satisfied with the current scheduling methods? Do you think that the manual scheduling procedure be changed with some automated procedure? Unstructured Interview The unstructured interviews are undertaken in a question-and-answer format. This is of a much more flexible nature than the structured interview and can be very rightly used to gather general information about the system. Here the respondents are free to answer in their own words. In this way their views are not restricted. So the interviewer gets a bigger area to further explore the issues pertaining to a problem. Advantages  ¿Ã‚ ½ Can motivate the interviewee to respond freely.  ¿Ã‚ ½ More feedback can be probed.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Can adapt or reword questions for each individual.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Extra information from body movement and facial expressions. Disadvantages  ¿Ã‚ ½ Time consuming.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Requires good communication skills.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Requires good interviewing skills.  ¿Ã‚ ½ May be impractical due to location constraints.  ¿Ã‚ ½ The interviewee may not answer/give appointment. 2. On-Site Observation On-site observations are one of the most effective tools with the analyst where the analyst personally goes to the site and discovers the functioning of the system. As an observer, the analyst can gain first hand knowledge of the activities, operations, processes of the system on-site, hence here the role of an analyst is of an information seeker. This information is very meaningful as it is unbiased and has been directly taken by the analyst. This exposure also sheds some light on the actual happenings of the system as compared to what has already been documented, thus the analyst gets closer to the system. This technique is also time-consuming and the analyst should not jump to conclusions or draw inferences from small samples of observation rather the analyst should be more patient in gathering the information. This method is however less effective for learning about peoples perceptions, feelings and motivations. Mainly observation categorized into two, Formal observation  ¿Ã‚ ½ Observation a person by him being noticed. Informal observation  ¿Ã‚ ½ Observing a person without him being noticed. Do ¿Ã‚ ½s  ¿Ã‚ ½ Obtain permission from appropriate supervisors or managers.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Prepare special forms to record data.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Determine who, what, where, why, when and how of the observation.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Takes notes immediately or after the observation.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Review the observation notes with appropriate individuals.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Also observe during low, normal, and peak periods of operations. Don ¿Ã‚ ½ts  ¿Ã‚ ½ Don ¿Ã‚ ½t interrupt the individuals work.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Don ¿Ã‚ ½t focus on trivial activities.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Don ¿Ã‚ ½t make assumptions. Advantages  ¿Ã‚ ½ Observation of people at work provides first hand experience of the way that the current system operates.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Data are collected in real time and can have a high level of validity if care is taken in how the technique is used.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Observation can be used to verify information from other sources or to look for exceptions to the standard procedure.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Baseline data about the performance of the existing system and of users can be collected. Disadvantages  ¿Ã‚ ½ The act of observation alters the behavior.  ¿Ã‚ ½ The act of made may not involve the difficulty and volume normally experienced during that time period.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Some task may not always be performed in the manner in which they are observed.  ¿Ã‚ ½ People may not let u see what you want to see. 3. Investigation Third fact finding technique is to thoroughly investigate the application and problems. The analyst has to read computer journals, reference books, internet white papers and case-studies for investigation. The Analyst can visit other companies or departments which have addressed similar problems. Advantages  ¿Ã‚ ½ Can save time if solution already exists.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Investigator can see how others have solved similar problems or met similar requirements.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Keeps investigator up to date with current developments. Disadvantages  ¿Ã‚ ½ Requires access to appropriate sources of information.  ¿Ã‚ ½ May ultimately not help in solving problem because problem is not documented elsewhere. 4. Questionnaire Questionnaires are another way of information gathering where the potential users of the system are given questionnaires to be filled up and returned to the analyst. Questionnaires are useful when the analyst need to gather information from a large number of people. It is not possible to interview each individual. Also if the time is very short, in that case also questionnaires are useful. If the anonymity of the respondent is guaranteed by the analyst then the respondent answers the questionnaires very honestly and critically. Just like the interviews and on the same lines questionnaires are of two types. Open-Response Based Questionnaires The objective of open-response questionnaire is to gather information and data about the essential and critical design features of the system. The open-ended question requires no response direction or specific response. This form is also used to learn about the feelings, opinions, and experiences of the respondents. This information helps in the making the system effective because the analyst can offer subsequent modifications as per the knowledge gained. e.g. What additional reports would you require from the System? Closed-Response Based Questionnaires The objective of closed-response questionnaire is to collect the factual information of the system. It gives an insight in how the people dealing with the system behave and how comfortable are they with it. In this case the respondents have to choose from a set of given responses. Thus the respondent can express their liking for the most favorable one from the possible alternatives. The closed questions can be of various types and the most common ones are listed below. e.g. 1. Yes/No Question Do you print reports from the existing System? (please circle the appropriate answer) Yes No 2. Multiple Choice Questions How many new surgery appointments do you obtain in a year? (please tick one box only) 3. Scaled Questions How satisfied are you with the response time of the patients ¿Ã‚ ½ records update? (please circle one options) Advantages  ¿Ã‚ ½ Can be answered quickly.  ¿Ã‚ ½ An economical way of gathering data from a large number of people.  ¿Ã‚ ½ If the questionnaire is well designed, then the results can be analysed easily, possibly by computer. Disadvantages  ¿Ã‚ ½ Good questionnaires are difficult to construct.  ¿Ã‚ ½ There is no automatic mechanism for follow up or probing more deeply, although it is possible to follow up with an interview by telephone or in person if necessary.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Postal questionnaires suffer from low response rates. Conclusion Interview is the most suitable fact-finding technique of gathering information for Victoria Hospital System. Because there are small numbers of people are working, hence result can be produced in a short period of time, easy to evaluate the result, more feedback can be a probed and new ides may arise. Fact-recording methods and standards The fact recording is a reverence for facts and knowing how to look for them. You do not go into data collection with a predetermined opinion of the design of the final procedure. You let the facts tell you what shape the procedure should take. But, you must be able to find facts and know how to record them. This is done by breaking down the procedure into steps and listing them in proper sequence, without leaving things out. The analyst keeps his or her attention on the subject being charted, follows its flow, step by step, and is not distracted by other subjects that could easily lead off onto tangents. The analyst becomes immersed in the data collection, one flow at a time. Record what is actually happening, not what should happen or could happen. When later you have them neatly organized and present them for study the facts will assert their authority as they tell their story. Software Standard A Software Standard is a standard, common format of a document, file, or data transfer accepted and used by one or more software developers while working on one or more than one software programs. Software standards enable interoperability between different programs created by different developers. Software standards consist of certain terms, concepts, data formats, document styles and techniques agreed upon by software creators so that their software can understand the files and data created by a different software program. To be considered a standard, a certain protocol needs to accepted and incorporated by a group of developers who contribute to the definition and maintenance of the standard. Developers prefer using standards for software development because of the efficiencies it provides for code development and wider user acceptance and use of the resulting application. The followings are computer and paper based fact-recording methods and standard documentation techniques, which are being used in software development.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Data flow diagrams  ¿Ã‚ ½ Context diagrams  ¿Ã‚ ½ Flow charts  ¿Ã‚ ½ Decision tables  ¿Ã‚ ½ Grid charts Data flow diagrams  ¿Ã‚ ½ Graphically describe the flow of data within an organisation  ¿Ã‚ ½ Composed of four basic elements represented by standard symbols: Basic data flow diagram Context diagrams  ¿Ã‚ ½ Show major data flows into and out of a system  ¿Ã‚ ½ Describe each subsystem as a process showing interrelationship of those subsystems and their relationship to main system  ¿Ã‚ ½ Depict logical flow of data in summary form  ¿Ã‚ ½ The starting point for studying any system  ¿Ã‚ ½ Depict the system at its highest level  ¿Ã‚ ½ Referred to as level zero data flow diagrams Flow charts  ¿Ã‚ ½ Document physical flows determined after logical data flows have been documented using data flow diagrams Flow chart symbols Advantages and disadvantages of flow charts Advantages  ¿Ã‚ ½ Enable any system to be represented in easily understandable manner  ¿Ã‚ ½ Overall picture of system easily seen  ¿Ã‚ ½ Highlight relationship among different parts of the system Disadvantages  ¿Ã‚ ½ Creation can be time-consuming  ¿Ã‚ ½ Numerous symbols can be confusing  ¿Ã‚ ½ Process may not be completely representable using symbols There are three types of flow chart, namely 1. System flow charts  ¿Ã‚ ½ Show the relationship between input, processing and output including data, documents and storage  ¿Ã‚ ½ Represent the relationship between various processes 2. Document flow charts  ¿Ã‚ ½ Emphasise the flow of documents between various people, groups and departments of an organisation. 3. Program flow charts  ¿Ã‚ ½ Show the detailed steps of a computer program  ¿Ã‚ ½ Show the logic and processing steps used to develop a computer program Decision tables  ¿Ã‚ ½ List the decision logic of a program flow chart in tabular form  ¿Ã‚ ½ Constructed with two main columns and two rows: ? First row is further divided into a number of rows of conditions ? Second row is further divided into a number of rows of actions The decision table tells us the following  ¿Ã‚ ½ if stock is not available and floor stock is not being sold, collect 10% advance  ¿Ã‚ ½ if stock is available but delivery is not within three days, collect 10% advance  ¿Ã‚ ½ if stock is available and delivery within three days, collect full value of sale  ¿Ã‚ ½ if stock is not available but floor stock is being sold within three days, collect full value of sale  ¿Ã‚ ½ if stock is not available but floor stock is being sold after three days, collect 10% advance Grid charts A grid chart is a type of chart that shows the interaction of two data points at the grid intersection of their respective axes.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Junction Australia Services Analysis

Junction Australia Services Analysis Junction Australia (JA) is a leading independent provider which offers community support and housing services. Their goal is to strengthen lives and communities in Australia. Key features offered at Junction Australia: Children and Youth Junction Australia has numerous programmes available to help youths in crisis, or struggling with their lives. Nexus is a programme available for 6-10 year olds who may be exhibiting harmful or negative behaviours, or are having problems in school. Nexus builds on the childs communication skills, problem solving, and social skills. They support the child at their home, school and community environment, to ensure the childs overall well-being. Parent and adolescent counselling is available for 12-18 year olds and their families. The aim is to reduce conflict in families, who are experiencing challenges. The program hopes to prevent the families from further break down, and the possibility of youth homelessness. Youth connectedness program offers group activities and one-to-one- mentoring, for all children and young people who reside with JA, under the Guardianship of the Minister.   The programs aim is to improve social skills and personal development. Flexible learning outcomes support children to improve school attendance and educational outcomes throughout the Onkaparinga and Lower Fleurieu regions. Supported accommodation program assists young people and children who are homeless. One of their accommodation programmes; Junction House, support up to eight homeless youths at a time. When living at Junction House, the youths need to learn independent living skills, and engage in a form of educational pathway. This accommodation is short-term, offering a three to sixth month stay. During their stay the youths will be supported to re-connect with their communities, and arrange for a longer term home. Education House offers three secondary students or older, supported accommodation whilst they finish their studies at school, or higher education facility. The support offered involves day-to-day essentials and running a home. Next step house is a shared accommodation for three young people who have previously lived in Junction House, and are ready to live more independently. For this program to be successful, structured support is continued for day to day living. This gives the young person the greatest success of developing their abilities to live independently, and the best chance at not becoming homeless again in their future. Specialist youth homelessness programme; The Outer Southern Youth Homelessness Service (OSYHS) supports youths to transition to independent living. Young people, aged between 16 and 25 years old who are currently homeless, transient or at risk of homelessness, can be referred to OSYHS to discuss their situation with an outreach employee (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017). Therapeutic Support Service Accommodation (TSS) is for children and young people who under are the Guardianship of the Minister. The houses comprise of emergency care, and short term care, through to long term and respite care. The children are given stability and individual holistic care. Families Junction Australia offers support to struggling families in South Australia through these programmes. Effective parenting program provides a parenting course targeted at support for families to develop current parenting skills, and encourage healthy, and successful family life. Whos in charge, is a program designed to support parents and family members, who are being abused by a child or adolescent in their family (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017). Step Up for SA program offers a thirteen week group program were parents and adolescent come together. The program uses the Cognitive Behavioural model and Restorative Practices, to build skills in responsibility, accountability, and family safety. Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island Domestic Violence Service is an outreach program providing case management to support women and children, living with, or escaping from family and domestic violence. The program provides counselling, safety action plans, and support finding alternative accommodation. Specialist homelessness service program is situated in Southern Fleurieu Peninsula and Kangaroo Island. The Fleurieu KI Homelessness Support Services (FHSS and KIHSS) are outreach programs which provide short to medium term support, for families and individuals who are homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless. Intensive tenancy support program is for families, couples or individuals living in the Onkaparinga region, living in Housing SA accommodation, who are at risk of eviction or are in crisis (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017). Counselling services Sexual abuse counselling service offers support to individuals and families to cope with the impact and trauma of sexual abuse. This service also offers information on keeping children and youths safe, and referrals to other relevant programs and organisations. Parent and adolescent counselling, and effective parenting courses; as discussed earlier, are offered under the services of counsellors at Junction Australia (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017). Homelessness The Outer and Inner Southern Generic Homelessness Service is a joint partnership between Lutheran Community Care and Junction Australia. It is funded by the National Affordable Housing Agreement. This program provides supported housing to people living in the outer and inner southern areas of Adelaide. Support is given through referrals to other agencies, advocacy and future housing applications and grants. Supported housing programs Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island Domestic Violence Service The Fleurieu KI Homelessness Support Services (FHSS and KIHSS) The Outer Southern Youth Homelessness Service (OSYHS) Junction House Next step Education house (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017). The six programs above have all been discussed earlier in this paper. Community Participation Community Connections Hackham Centre provides programs and opportunities for residents and their families which live in the Onkaparinga area. The program offers a wide range of services from crà ¨che, playgroups, and parenting courses. From cooking, financial budgeting, to workplace advice. Kangaroo Island Community Centre is a collaborative centre which enables Junction Australia to work with other community and government agencies. It offers a varied range of support and intervention services. Volunteers are able to get involved with a diverse range of programs in the community (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017). Specialist Support The exceptional needs program delivers intensive outreach support to clients with numerous high, and complex needs. Clients may have numerus diagnoses. These might include psychiatric, mental health or physical disabilities. They might also consist of alcohol and drug use, plus homelessness, or risk of homelessness. Because of the clients multifaceted needs, they may not readily be able to access conventional supports. Emergency relief program offers clients in crisis, emergency assistance with food vouchers, food parcels, and household goods. The program also helps with financial budgeting and referrals to other agencies. Hoarding and squalor services give information to assist people to navigate services and strategies when dealing with squalor (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017). Housing Services Junction Womens Housing (JWH) manages 17,000 homes across South Australia. They help low to middle income families, and women escaping domestic violence. JWH aim to empower their tenants and their communities. They aim to generate safe environments, and sustainable homes, for tenants to be able to live, work and thrive in their communities. Housing options available dependent on client criteria Community housing National affordable rental scheme Supported social housing Supported tenancy scheme Housing and urban development HomeABILITY strategy (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017). Consider the clients need and difficulties. How might this client be helped by the programs offered by Junction Australia? Also which other organisations will be a good source for referrals? The client Jane is a 28 year old mother of two children; Connor a 12 year old boy, and Summer a 7 year old girl. They are currently in crisis, are homeless, and escaping from domestic violence. Both children are not coping with their environment and are exhibiting traumatised behaviour. Unfortunately Junction Australia do not offer crisis accommodation to homeless women and children. Jane and her children need an immediate referral to Bramwell House, which is maintained by the Salvation Army (Salvationarmyorgau, 2017). It offers emergency accommodation for women and children escaping domestic violence and who are homeless. This will enable the family to live in a safe environment whilst accessing programs at JA. Jane needs to be referred through the Domestic Violence Crisis Service (SA), which is a Family Relationship telephone assessment and advice referral service, funded by the South Australian government (Familyrelationshipsgovau, 2017). Once accommodation has been sourced, JA have a Specialist Support Intensive outreach program for clients with complex needs. Jane has complex needs; she has previously been addicted to the drug ice, is now struggling with alcohol use, and smokes weed for chronic pain. In the past Jane has had suicidal thoughts, and was diagnosed with depression several times. She is exhibiting signs of depression presently. This outreach program offers the right support for Janes immediate requirements. Jane and Connor would also be able to access the parent and adolescent counselling service together, and Step Up for SA, which teaches young people about the impact of their violence towards family members, in a group setting. Whos in Charge?, is a second program which aims to empower parents, provide strategies to use with their aggressive child, and reduce parental guilt. Janes daughter Summer, requires a referral to support her emotional trauma and attachment issues which she is displaying. Together 4 Kids is a child focused, individualised support program, run by Relationships Australia. The program supports young childrens mental wellbeing and development. They help children cope with transitions, homelessness, and an understanding of their experiences (Rasaorgau, 2017). Jane is the single mother of a low income family, escaping domestic violence, and is homeless with ongoing mental health issues. Based on JA criterias, Jane will be eligible for housing and support to acquire mid-term, and long-term housing through Junction Womens Housing (JWH), which is Junction Australias registered community housing provider (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017).

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Comparing the Living Dead in Great Gatsby, In Our Time and The Sun Also

The Living Dead in Great Gatsby, In Our Time and The Sun Also Rises            Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Life without consequence; is this possible?   This was the main goal of the men and women existing after WW1.   During this era of great prosperity and moral backlash the young adults of the world took to the bars and dance halls of Europe or the extravagant parties of the American east coast looking for happiness.  Ã‚   Their lives are chronicled in the stories that came from the emerging great authors of that time period.   The most notorious of these books is F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby where the exploits of the rich are articulated with great description and lavishness that complimented their somewhat insane lives well.   There is another author whose stories open a window into that generation as well, Ernest Hemmingway.   In Hemmingway's books In Our Time and The Sun Also Rises we see the plights of this generation played out in a very serious way that leaves the reader with a heavy feeling of discomfort with the illogical and empty way the characters attempt to subsist.   Both authors and all three novels point to one conclusion, that if your goal is to live without suffering consequences of your actions you will in fact not live but suffer in an unfulfilling existence.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Throughout the tale of The Great Gatsby the reader is treated to a vivid description of Gatsby's parties and his prolific residence.   It would appear that Gatsby had everything a person could want.   Loads of money and friends and surrounded by the finer things of life.   However, the book takes a turn towards its e... ...this growth leads to personal happiness and satisfaction.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Overall one gets a sincere feeling of loss and lacking in these three novels.   Perhaps it is by paying attention to the warning that is embedded in these commentaries that the authors achieve their true goal in guiding their readers to a higher understanding of life.  Ã‚   Both authors are quite thorough in presenting their viewpoints on life.   There are also other conclusions and lessons that can be drawn from these novels.   Many people feel that they are commentaries on the wrath that war has on the young, or the tumultuous times of a new century.   However, it is the false ideal that life can be lived by negating responsibility for actions that prevails and burns a sense of virility into the readers of these three important novels. Comparing the Living Dead in Great Gatsby, In Our Time and The Sun Also The Living Dead in Great Gatsby, In Our Time and The Sun Also Rises            Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Life without consequence; is this possible?   This was the main goal of the men and women existing after WW1.   During this era of great prosperity and moral backlash the young adults of the world took to the bars and dance halls of Europe or the extravagant parties of the American east coast looking for happiness.  Ã‚   Their lives are chronicled in the stories that came from the emerging great authors of that time period.   The most notorious of these books is F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby where the exploits of the rich are articulated with great description and lavishness that complimented their somewhat insane lives well.   There is another author whose stories open a window into that generation as well, Ernest Hemmingway.   In Hemmingway's books In Our Time and The Sun Also Rises we see the plights of this generation played out in a very serious way that leaves the reader with a heavy feeling of discomfort with the illogical and empty way the characters attempt to subsist.   Both authors and all three novels point to one conclusion, that if your goal is to live without suffering consequences of your actions you will in fact not live but suffer in an unfulfilling existence.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Throughout the tale of The Great Gatsby the reader is treated to a vivid description of Gatsby's parties and his prolific residence.   It would appear that Gatsby had everything a person could want.   Loads of money and friends and surrounded by the finer things of life.   However, the book takes a turn towards its e... ...this growth leads to personal happiness and satisfaction.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Overall one gets a sincere feeling of loss and lacking in these three novels.   Perhaps it is by paying attention to the warning that is embedded in these commentaries that the authors achieve their true goal in guiding their readers to a higher understanding of life.  Ã‚   Both authors are quite thorough in presenting their viewpoints on life.   There are also other conclusions and lessons that can be drawn from these novels.   Many people feel that they are commentaries on the wrath that war has on the young, or the tumultuous times of a new century.   However, it is the false ideal that life can be lived by negating responsibility for actions that prevails and burns a sense of virility into the readers of these three important novels.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

thomas paine :: essays research papers

Thomas Paine was more than just a writer. He did many things in his life. He wrote pamphlets and books like the Common Sense, or African Slavery on America. He is still recognized for his writings today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Thomas Paine was born on January 29, 1737 in Thetford, England. He was the son of a farmer and corsetmaker. He went to a local school until the age of thirteen. We was forced to leave school so he could help his father at work. He went through many jobs, and felt unhappy at everyone he tried.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He went to sea at the age of nineteen. He traveled from place to place meeting many different people. He got married, but unfortunately she died a year later in 1760. He remarried in 1771. But again he was separated from her three years later. His appointment as excise collector in 1762 was lost in 1765 because of an improper entry report. ( Encyclopedia of World Biography, 66)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Paine moved to America because of a London meeting with Benjamin Franklin. He got a job writing for a magazine called the Pennsylvania Magazine, and eventually became the editor. He wrote the Common Sense in 1776, about independence. It was a instantaneous success. It was even translated into German and printed in England, Scotland, Holland, and France. It sold 120,000 in just three months, and over six million today. It was said to get the people ready for the Declaration of Independence soon after.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For the remainder of the Revolution he was with Washington’s soldiers. He wrote The Crisis which appeared between December 1776 and April 1783. Again he was Paine was know for his phrasemaking. In his later papers Paine attacked Tories, profiteers, inflationists, and counterfeiters. (Encyclopedia of World Biography, 66) On April 19, 1783, he concluded his Crisis series on a note of expectations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He lived quietly after the Revolution. He worked on several inventions, like a pierless iron bridge to cross the Schuylkill River. He wrote the Age of Reason, in 1794, which was a direct attack on the irrationality of religion and a defense of deism. Despite Paine’s belief in the Creator, it was suppressed in England.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

QCF Qualification Essay

This is a knowledge based qualification suitable for all support staff roles in schools, including site staff, administrators and others, as well as those who work directly with children and young people. It seeks to develop the knowledge and understanding that all those working in a school setting will need and covers areas such as safeguarding, communication and understanding the school context. As it is a knowledge based qualification, it can be taken by candidates not yet employed in a school, as well as providing initial training or induction for those who are new in post. Level 2 Certificate in supporting teaching and learning in schools This qualification is for those members of the school workforce who directly support the teaching and learning of pupils. The qualification incorporates the units in the level 2 Award in Support Work in Schools and adds competency based units to reflect the role of those supporting pupils’ learning. Level 2 Certificate in supporting the wider curriculum in schools This qualification has been developed to meet the needs of those working as  midday assistants/supervisors or who support the wider activities of schools such as before and after school clubs. It incorporates the units in the level 2 Award in Support Work in Schools and shares units with the level 2 Certificate in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools, recognising that many in teaching assistant roles may have additional responsibilities in school. This qualification has fewer credits than the level 2 Certificate in Supporting Teaching and Lea rning in Schools, which candidates who later progress to a teaching assistant role will be able to gain through the achievement of credit from additional units. Level 3 Award in supporting teaching and learning in schools This is a knowledge based qualification that will provide candidates with a secure understanding from which to progress to a level 3 role. It is suitable for candidates not yet in a school role but who have the capability to achieve at level 3; candidates in a level 2 role wishing to demonstrate that they are ready for progression to level 3, and as initial training for those newly in post at this level. This is a qualification intended to provide the underpinning knowledge and understanding for those with a role in directly working with children or young people in schools. Level 3 Certificate in supporting teaching and learning in schools This qualification is for those members of the school workforce who directly support the teaching and learning of pupils. The qualification incorporates the units in the level 3 Award in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools. Additional units cover the generic knowledge and skills required to work in a teaching assistant or similar role at level 3. Level 3 Certificate in cover supervision of pupils in schools This qualification is for those working in the role of Cover Supervisor and incorporates the units of the level 3 Award in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools. While this qualification includes some units that are also in the level 3 Certificate in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools, it reflect the differences between the cover supervisor and teaching assistant roles by omitting those units which are about actively advancing pupils’ learning and includes a unit on providing whole-cla ss supervision. Candidates moving from one role to the other will be able to demonstrate competence in the new role through  the achievement of credit from specified additional units. Level 3 Diploma in specialist support for teaching and learning in schools This qualification is for those members of the school workforce who directly support teaching and learning of pupils in schools in an area that requires specialist knowledge and skills. The qualification incorporates the units in the level 3 Certificate in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools. Additional optional units cover specialisms which may be a feature of the role at level 3.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Old Age Home Essay

Abstract The elderly population is rising globally and similar trends are being observed not only in Asia but also in Pakistan. A developing country facing several challenges in the form of political instability, lack of economic growth, low savings of the elderly, weak pension system, makes life challenging for the elderly. Pakistan’s demographic trends show that between 1990 till 2010, the population aged 60+ years increased by 75.1 %. It is projected that the life expectancy will increase to 72 years by 2023. WHO report (1998) projected that 5.6 % of Pakistan’s population was over 60 years of age, with a probability of doubling to 11 % by the year 2025. Pakistan is a socially cohesive society and elders are valued and respected. It is normally considered to be the responsibility of the eldest son to take care of their parents. In spite of a socially cohesive society in Pakistan, in some segments, norms have been changing and recently, one can notice a clear turn down of the e xtended family system. Children leave their parents and there is no one who could look after their needs. Consequently, the abandoned parents land up in old homes. With meager resources and a poor understanding of aging; Pakistan faces many challenges in caring as well as provision of facilities for its elderly population. This present report highlights the comparison between the quality of facilities that are provided to older people in home and private or government institutes. Future possibilities for improvement of facilities for the good health and wellbeing of our elderly are also discussed. Read more:  Problems Faced by Old Age People Introduction of gerontology Gerontology is an introduction to the field of human aging. Gerontology is multidisciplinary in nature as all aspects of human aging are viewed in this subject. This means that the study of aging combines information from several separate areas of study. Biology, sociology, and psychology are the â€Å"core† or basic areas, along with content from many other areas of study such as public policy, humanities, and economics. Gerontology includes the study of physical, mental, and social changes in older people as they age, the investigation of the changes in society resulting from our aging population as well as the application of this knowledge to policies and programs for the assurance of better quality of life for older people in the  community, the state and the nation. Taking care of our elders is an Islamic obligation and also an integral cultural norm in Pakistan. Despite being a socially cohesive society; the decline of extended family systems is evident. This has affec ted the respected status of the elderly enjoyed in their later years. As nuclear family system is increasing in urban areas, they are unable to take charge of the elderly due to many socio-economic and cultural constraints. So they have begun to seek assistance from formal institutions engaged in elderly care. Importance of gerontology: Gerontology is very important as people working in aging report great satisfaction in addressing the challenges of those who are growing older, helping to maintain the quality of their lives, and enjoying the wit, wisdom, and creativity of the older persons with whom they come in contact. Even as a student you can make a difference; your community can benefit from volunteer work you do with older persons. Later, as a professional in the field, you can continue to serve the community as a volunteer, for example, by speaking about various aspects of aging to civic and community groups or teaching in pre-retirement programs. Working in the field of aging provides an opportunity to influence positively the agencies and organizations serving older persons and the legislation and policies that affect their lives. Studying aging also gives you a perspective on your own aging and insight into the aging of your family members. Review of literature The older population has been growing at an unprecedented rate. In 1980, just prior to the convening of the First World Assembly on Ageing, there were 378 million people in the world aged 60 years or above. In followed figure has risen to 759 million over the past three decades and is projected to jump to 2 billion by 2050. Actual and projected global population aged 60 years or over, 1980, 2010 and 2050 Our Religion stresses a lot on the rights of elderly people and we are asked to serve elderly relatives of our parents if parents are not alive. We make  fun of the West that they send their parents to â€Å"Old Houses† and do not bother to inquire about them. Now if we analyze that what is happening to elderly people especially in the poverty struck rural areas it gives us following haunting facts : – Elderly people die miserably due to lack of food and medical attention. They develop psychotic disorders due to depression and dejection. They develop certain diseases by not eating healthy food which is not providing the necessary multi-vitamins needed to survive in the old age. Employee’s Old age benefits pension money is used by their family members. They have very limited social life. Lack of religious and basic education deprived them from doing anything useful to pass the time. Children of even well settled families tend to ignore grandparents who just need to share love with them and focus. Sheltered housing provides social contact and a secure environment that appeal to many older people. Sheltered housing has proven to be popular for a minority of people as alternatives to residential care or high intensity old homes. They provide flexible care and 2 accommodation suited to those with mobility problems. Satisfaction levels are high, particularly in relation to access to care and the provision of meals. Housing expectations changed, issues with this form of provision started to emerge in the 1980s. The difficulties identified in the provision of sheltered housing are now well known. A review of the factors leading to difficulties with letting sheltered accommodation (in England and Wales, 1994-5) found that 92% of local authorities and 79% of large housing ass ociations had encountered some difficulty in letting their stock. Furthermore, 8% of local authorities and 14% of housing associations found over half of their traditional sheltered housing units difficult to let (Tinker et al, 1995). Now be somewhat dated, though the issues encountered have been reiterated since then. Following are the old age homes difficulties or issues have been identified: Size of properties was often identified as particularly problematic, with bedsits being the least popular, and single bedroom flats being increasingly seen as too small for older people, particularly couples and those being encouraged to down-size from larger social rented housing. Access difficulties, particularly where properties are on upper floor without lift access; wheelchair access can also be problematic. Guidance on the development of  new sheltered housing in Scotland in 1980 specified that sheltered units should be on ground or first floor, unless a lift was provided (Scottish Development Department, 1980), and this was not revised with more accessible specifications until Housing for Varying Needs was introduced in 1998 (Pickles, 1998). The neighborhoods in which sheltered schemes are located have changed significantly since their initial development, with the closing of local shops and services, and reductions in public transport. They may also now be in areas where other housing and social issues make them unpopular for all tenants, not just older people. The introduction of the European working time directive and other developments in human resources mean that the role of the scheme manager has had to change. This also reflects the changing cli ent group that is living in sheltered housing. The increasing age of residents in sheltered schemes meant that the level of support available from the scheme manager was insufficient, and prior to the developments in widespread community cares and support services, this was a significant issue. Some areas may have an over-provision of sheltered housing units. Richard and Gill Walker, looks into the social context of housing for aged ones. It covers the demographic material, facts about social framework of old homes for older people. This includes a review of demographic information, evidence relating to the needs, perspectives and choices of the aged people with respect to this housing, along the problems of segregation and marginalization and their impact on their livings. Philip O. Sijuwade did his study about Self-Image of Aged which looks into the different approaches , stereotypes, and age factors which regulates suitable behaviors for the older ones(social image). It states that, old ones have developed their self-image too, which depicts the way they think of themselves and the way ‘others’ think of them. This is based on primary research states that stereotypes have been built about the aged people of the society and they are not treated in the way they deserve to be. Residential satisfaction of the older adults in ag e-segregated facilities is described by Sandra G. Reynolds and Julia O. Beamish which looks into the housing satisfaction of old home people with liberated living services. Twenty one residents contributed as a focus group and results showed that these old people liked  safe and secure atmosphere and value good design, friendly neighborhood, privacy and residential characteristics. G. Clare Wenger and Richard Davis, indicates that main factors of social isolation includes marital status, social interaction, health conditions, behavior of ‘others’, type of networking and loss of mobility. They conclude nothing could be generalized about it but trends in society have old ones feeling marginalized on this earth. It can vary on according to personal background and situation. In some cases, older ones are forced to live in a residentially segregated area whereas in other cases, aged people are themselves willing to have such segregation. The reasons for which older ones preferred institutional living arrangement are for preservation of dignity and respect, peace of mind, avoidance of familial conflict along with the provision by fulfillment of all basic needs, unwillingness to depend on family members on economic and social basis. One of the famous sociologists Livson conducted a research ,‘The Transition into Retirement and Old Age’ in 1962 and found that survival of family, economic condition and health condition along with other factors plays important role as individuals adopts to grow old. She is of the view that changes in economic and health status are not only the issues which require our attention. Most important issue is the adjustment of that particular person into the current situation according to the increasing age. references Project funded by a generous grant from Andrus Foundation  © Copyright 2001 — Careers in Aging